Applying to the Council’s Housing Register

The Council lets available homes, including housing association homes made available to the Council, through the Housing Register. The Housing Register is a record or list of every household that we agree should be rehoused to a new Council or housing association home. It is not a waiting list, though sometimes people call the Housing Register the ‘Council waiting list’. It is not like a queue – being offered a new home does not just depend on when you joined the Register.

Although the Council believes that everyone on the Housing Register needs a better home, we also believe that some reasons for needing to move are relatively more important than others. This means that we prioritise some reasons for needing to move above others. Therefore, different reasons for needing a better home – different ‘housing needs’ – are given different priorities for rehousing. Where you are on our Housing Register is based mainly on your priority for rehousing.

It is likely that you will face a long wait to be rehoused as the demand for social housing in the Borough is far greater than supply. Therefore, it is important that you think about other rehousing options. We are also developing some guidance on housing options that include data on Housing Register waiting times.

This page tells you how to apply to our Housing Register. It also points out a few things to consider if you are thinking about applying.

Who can join the Housing Register?

The Council’s Housing Allocation Scheme sets out how residents can join the Housing Register, how we prioritise residents for rehousing, and how we let social housing – Council-owned properties and properties owned by housing associations.

If a resident qualifies for the Housing Register, they are able to express an interest (bid) for available social housing. Homes are advertised through the choice-based lettings system called Home Connections. The Council may also make a resident a direct offer of social housing – this means the Council offers you a permanent Council or housing association home without you choosing it on Home Connections.

However, not all residents can join the Housing Register. The number of people in Kensington and Chelsea who need to be rehoused is much larger than the number of homes that become available each year. Therefore, the Council only lets social housing to residents with the most urgent need.

The Housing Allocation Scheme aims to make the best use of a limited supply of social housing to help those most in housing need. A resident will not be offered social housing by the Council if they do not qualify for the Housing Register.

Eligibility and qualification rules

You need to meet the eligibility and qualification rules within the Housing Allocation Scheme to be able to join the Housing Register. You will not be offered social housing if you do not meet these rules, although certain residents may be excepted from the qualification rules. The eligibility and qualification rules include:

Priority categories/points

In addition to meeting the above qualification rules, you will need to qualify for one of the points categories within Bands 1 – 4 to join the Housing Register. The Housing Allocation Scheme and summary/FAQ document explain the different points categories and the level of priority they award. If you do not meet the criteria for one of these points categories, you will not be able to join the Housing Register.

The points categories include needing to be rehoused for the following reasons:

If you qualify for the Housing Register, you will be awarded 10 additional waiting points for every year you have waited to be rehoused. You may also qualify for some of the other additional points categories, depending on your circumstances.

Rehousing process

If you qualify for the Housing Register, you will have points to bid for suitable social housing, including 10 additional points for every year you have waited to be rehoused. Homes are advertised on the choice-based lettings system called Home Connections. The Council may also make a direct offer to a household when a home becomes available.

We may advertise an available home to a certain type of housing need, such as to under-occupiers who will free-up a family-sized home. This will enable us to meet our rehousing quotas (targets for rehousing different types of housing need), rather than homes only being offered to those with the highest points. Alternatively, the Council may advertise a home to all types of housing need.

The available home will then usually be offered to the resident with the highest number of points. If more than one resident has the highest number of points, the home will usually be offered to the resident with the earliest priority date (which is usually the date they made their housing or homeless application).

Further information about how the Council lets available homes can be found in section 29 of the Housing Allocation Scheme.

Last updated: 1 August 2024