What Is SNAP? How To Apply, Eligibility and How Much to Expect

Stretching every dollar to cover necessities is daunting for many Americans, particularly in times of economic uncertainty.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a vital lifeline for millions, offering crucial support to ensure access to nutritious food. More than 42 million people used the SNAP program to feed their families in 2023. That’s one out of every eight Americans.

Below, we will discuss the advantages of receiving SNAP benefits, how to qualify, and how these programs can provide debt relief for low-income Americans.

What Is SNAP?

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides federal money for food every month to low-income individuals and families. It is a program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and administered by state and local agencies. It was formerly known as the Food Stamp Program.

The average SNAP benefit for a single person in 2024 is $202 per month, with a maximum of $291. The average benefit for a family of four is $713, with a maximum of $973, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).

Many Americans have benefited from the nearly six-decade-old program. SNAP provides a bridge to better times for millions and can help lift people out of poverty.

Who receives SNAP benefits? The needy or the infirm. According to the USDA, 86% of all SNAP benefits go to households that have a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. Also, 92% go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.

Recent Changes to SNAP Benefits

The Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA), signed by President Joe Biden in June 2024, has changed SNAP eligibility requirements. Notably, there is an increase in the age of what the USDA refers to as able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD).

To receive benefits, ABAWD between the ages of 18 and 50 had work requirements, which included working or participating in a work program for at least 80 hours a month. These work requirements have been expanded to age 52 and will expand to age 54 in October 2024.

There has also been an increase in the maximum allotments. For example, the maximum allotments for a family of four will be $973 and $766 for a family of three. In Alaska, the maximum allotments will range from $1,248 to $1,937, while in Hawaii, they will decrease to $1,759.

Applying for SNAP

A household member can apply for SNAP benefits at the local state or county office. The USDA provides this web page with a link for each state to its SNAP website and online application.

After the application, there is usually a face-to-face interview, where proof of income and expenses is required.

Required documentation for SNAP may include:

For people who can’t visit an office or complete an online application, another person (called an authorized representative) can apply and be interviewed on their behalf. The authorized representative must be designated in writing.

Sometimes, a local office can interview candidates by telephone or do a home visit, which must be scheduled with the household.

For SNAP purposes, a household is defined as everyone who lives together and purchases and prepares meals together.

If people have meals provided through an institution, they are generally not eligible for SNAP benefits. Exceptions are elderly people living in federally subsidized housing and disabled people who live in nonprofit group homes with no more than 16 residents.

How SNAP Works

People who qualify for SNAP get their money through an EBT card, which works like a debit card. Benefits are automatically loaded into the household’s account each month, allowing households to buy groceries at authorized stores, including grocery stores, large department stores like Walmart, some farmers markets, and, in many states, online, though the card can’t be used to pay food delivery service fees.

If approved, after application and qualification, you should receive SNAP benefits within 30 days. Emergency SNAP benefits, available within seven days, are available for households with income and money in the bank adding up to less than the monthly housing expenses.

SNAP recipients are required to recertify their income. The frequency varies depending on the situation, but it’s commonly once a year. If the recertification is not completed, the SNAP benefits may be canceled, and you must reapply.

To apply or learn more about SNAP, contact the agency office in your state or county that administers the program. It should be listed on your state government website. It is listed on the USDA site with state links. Or search online. Look for “Food Stamps’’ or “SNAP Benefits (your state).” A toll-free hotline number usually can help.

Each state has its own application form, and most offer online applications.

The U.S Department of Agriculture provides a free SNAP information page to help determine if you are eligible for SNAP benefits. If you don’t have Internet access, call Project Bread (1-800-645-8333) for help.

What You Can and Can’t Buy With SNAP Benefits

Think food. Healthy food. SNAP benefits are to be used to feed you and your household.

Households can use SNAP benefits for items such as bread, cereal, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and seeds and plants that produce food. On some occasions, qualified homeless, elderly or disabled people can use SNAP benefits at restaurants.

Eligible food is defined as any food or food product for home consumption. Examples can include soft drinks, candy, cookies, snack crackers, ice cream, and “luxury items” like live seafood, steak, and bakery cakes.

Among the items that CANNOT be bought with SNAP benefits: Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, tobacco, pet food, soap, paper products, household supplies, vitamins, medicine, cosmetics, grooming items, food that will be eaten in the store and hot food.

How Much SNAP Benefit to Expect

SNAP benefits are called an allotment. Households are expected to spend about 30% of their resources on food, so the allotment is calculated by multiplying the household’s net monthly income by 0.3, and subtracting the result from the maximum monthly allotment for household size.

The maximum monthly allotments for SNAP in 2024:

Household SizeMaximum Monthly Benefit,
Fiscal Year 2024
Estimated Average Monthly Benefit,
Fiscal Year 2024
Each additional person$219

In addition to receiving benefits from SNAP, research other ways to save money on food. Qualifying for SNAP can automatically qualify you for government benefit programs, like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). If you need help paying your electric bill, reach out before your power is turned off.

SNAP Eligibility and Income Limits

SNAP benefits require households to meet tests that measure resources and income. Here’s a look at the requirements for the 48 contiguous states (Alaska and Hawaii have higher limits) and the District of Columbia.


Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility policy means that 36 states and the District of Columbia have primarily done away with the resource limit to qualify for SNAP.

SNAP defines a resource (or asset) as anything with accessible value that could be used for food, such as money in a bank account. Items that are not accessible, such as a home, retirement savings or education savings, are not included.

Fourteen states have some form of limit. Utah, Wyoming, Tennessee, South Dakota, Mississippi, Kansas, Missouri, Alaska, Arizona and Arkansas set the limit at $2,750, which increases to $4,250 if the household has at least one elderly or disabled member. Texas, Indiana and Idaho are at $5,000, Michigan at $15,000 and Nebraska at $25,000.

People who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and most retirement or pension plans are exempt from the resources cap.

Income Limits

Households must meet income tests unless all members are receiving SSI, TANF or general assistance. If a family member is older than 60 or someone who’s getting disability payments, only the net income test must be met.

Income limits change yearly and vary by state. Alaska, for instance, sets the limit at 130% of the Alaska Poverty Level, Arizona at 185% of the Federal Poverty Level, and Colorado at 200% of the federal level.

So the qualifying limit varies both by amount and by state.

Using 130% as a benchmark, here are the limits for those applying between October 2023 and September 2024 for those living in the lower 48 and the District of Columbia (Alaska and Hawaii numbers are about $300 more per month). The figure will increase if you live in a state with a higher limit.

Income limits for SNAP:

Household SizeGross monthly income
(130 percent of poverty)
Net monthly income
(100 percent of poverty)
Each additional member+$557+$429

Note: Gross income is a household’s total non-excluded income before deductions. Net income is the gross income minus allowable deductions.

Allowable Deductions

Deductions like income limits change yearly. For updated information, visit the USDA’s website.

Some of the deductions currently in place include:

SNAP Computation Examples

Calculating whether you qualify for SNAP might require an advanced math degree. As with most programs run by the federal or state government, the process is not simple. Factor in that each state has its own standards, and that one state (New York) has a different standard for those with dependent care expenses, and it’s not difficult to see the process can be murky.

An income of $2,000 per month would qualify for benefits in states like Ohio, Oklahoma, or South Carolina but not in states like North Carolina or Oregon. Assets could mean you are eligible in states with no limit but not in states with a limit.

If you do qualify on an income level, deductions must be calculated.

The best option is to contact the local SNAP office, which is familiar with requirements in your state, and ask them to help with the calculations. The national network Feeding America also offers help with your SNAP application.

Employment Requirements

Work requirements for SNAP are mainly to ensure people do not become dependent on the government for a handout. People must:

Failure to comply with these requirements can cause people to be ineligible. Some groups (such as children, seniors, pregnant women and people with physical or mental health concerns) may be exempt.

Individuals between 18 and 52 are limited to three months of SNAP benefits every three years unless they are working or in a work or training program at least 20 hours a week. Some individuals are exempt from this requirement, such as those who live with children in the household, those determined to be physically or mentally unfit for work, pregnant people, and others determined to be exempt from the three-month time limit.

Additional programs are available should you find yourself unemployed and in debt.

Special Rules for Elderly or Disabled

There are several exceptions and exemptions to the SNAP procedures if a household member is elderly or disabled. A person is considered elderly if they are 60 or older.

A person is considered disabled for SNAP purposes if they are:

The SNAP program is one of several programs offering financial help for senior citizens.

Immigrant Eligibility

Documented immigrants – those with a green card — who have lived in the country for five years, are receiving disability-related assistance or benefits, or are children under 18, are eligible for SNAP. DACA recipients are not eligible.

Certain non-citizens, such as those admitted for humanitarian reasons or those admitted for permanent residence, may also be eligible. Non-citizens in the U.S. temporarily, such as students, are not eligible.

Eligibility for College Students

In general, college students benefit from the support of their parents, which is why they do not qualify for SNAP benefits by default. Instead, they must meet at least one of the qualifying exemptions to be eligible. The list of exemptions is pretty inclusive, so it is worth investigating if you are a college student.

Use of SNAP for Debt Relief

SNAP is a program designed to ensure people with low incomes, older people, and people with disabilities have enough money to eat. If you’re among those having trouble finding money to feed yourself or your family, you should not hesitate to apply for SNAP.

“Unfortunately, there are people who have a negative impression about SNAP and look down on others who are receiving SNAP, but not everyone feels that way,’’ said Craig Gundersen, a University of Illinois agriculture and consumer economics professor who has spent 20 years researching food insecurity and SNAP. “I think it’s a fantastic program and I’m proud we have a government to help out those in need.”

Myths & Realities

The USDA’s latest numbers show that 65% of SNAP recipients are families with children, 42% are working families who make too low a wage to provide adequate food, and 36% are in families with disabled members.

Gundersen, the professor who has produced nearly 200 published papers and a book on the subject, said SNAP is one of the most successful American federal programs — ever.

“The central goal of SNAP is to alleviate food insecurity in the United States and study after study has shown it has done an incredible job,’’ Gundersen said. “It’s the most effective government program we have today. Just a fantastic program.’’

Additional Resources Like SNAP

SNAP aims to alleviate hunger and improve nutrition among vulnerable populations by ensuring access to a healthy diet. Eligibility for SNAP benefits are based on household income, expenses, and family size. Recipients must meet specific requirements, and benefits are typically provided monthly.

There are several options beyond SNAP for individuals or families struggling with income or food insecurity. Below are additional resources that can help.

Low-Income Assistance Programs:

Disability Resources:

Debt Relief and Financial Counseling: