Office of Disaster Preparedness and
Management (ODPM)

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) is a coordinating and managing body that places equal emphasis on all phases of the disaster management cycle-prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.

This National Disaster Management Office is responsible for public education and community outreach activities, coordinating national mitigation and capacity building efforts to safeguard property and life by working with other government agencies and first responders in protecting public health and safety, restoring essential government services and critical infrastructure and providing emergency relief to those severely affected by hazard impact.

This means that the ODPM’s role as coordinator and manager of crises and emergencies comes into play through mobilising key players and resources in order to utilise the best approach to reducing loss of life and damage to property. Some of the ODPM’s major players include the First Responder agencies (Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service, the Municipal Corporations, the Ministry of Works and Transport and the Emergency Medical Services). These first responders are the people who will be seen on the ground after a hazard impact.

Other pertinent and active players include the Ministry of the People and Social Development, the Ministry of Community Development, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations. These organisations play pivotal roles in the nation’s relief efforts during and after a hazard impact.

In order to create a national culture of safety and resilience, the ODPM works closely with the communities, municipalities, private/ public sector and owners of critical facilities in Trinidad and Tobago.